Assignment Outer Space (1960)
In the 21st century Ray Peterson, reporter for the Interplanetary News, is assigned to write a story aboard a space station.
In the 21st century Ray Peterson, reporter for the Interplanetary News, is assigned to write a story aboard a space station.
Born of Hope (2009) – Amazing Lord of The Rings Fan Film! Born of Hope (2009) – Set prior to the War of the Ring, this movie portrays the untold story of Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn, and their people the Dúnedain in a turbulent time of their history. Their romance buds in…
A strange signal arrives on the Earth disturbing all communications, while an ufo appears above the Antarctic sea. Captain Alex Hamilton is sent with his spaceship and crew to the space outside the Solar System to find the origin of that signal. They reach an unknow planet where a giant robot enslaved a whole population…
A young coed uses her winter vacation to research a paper on witchcraft in New England. Her professor recommends that she spend her time in a small village called Whitewood.
Watch Dogs (2014) – Fan film blends hacking, parkour and gunplay! Watch Dogs (2014) – Aiden Pearce comes across a police confrontation with a criminal and takes the guy down using a mixture of hacking, parkour and good old-fashioned gunplay – but it’s an exciting and well-shot look at Watch Dogs‘ vision of vigilante justice….
Rare and bizarre vampire movie Considered by many as one of the greatest cult movies of all time, GRAVE OF THE VAMPIRE shocked audiences 40 years ago when the young mother of a vampire baby began nursing it with her own blood! Grim and grisly, it quickly became a cult favorite through frequent midnight movie…
Classic zombie film While traveling to New York, the young couple Madeleine Short Parker (Madge Bellamy) and her fiancé Neil Parker (John Harron) are convinced by their new acquaintance Charles Beaumont (Robert Frazer) to stay in Port Prince and get married in his mansion. However, Beaumont felt in love for Madeleine and his real intention…
A woman (played by Danielle Rayne) wakes up in a locked room with no way out and no contact with anyone. However, the discovery of a very odd gun changes that situation dramatically. There’s something about this film that makes it stand tall among all the other video game fan-made projects out there. For one…