Batman: Dead End (2003)
Batman: Dead End (2003) – Batman vs Joker vs Aliens vs Predator!
Sauron is preparing his armies and Gollum is the only saviour! The Hunt For Gollum (2009) – The great events of the war of the ring are about to unfold and the priority for Strider and Gandalf is to keep the Ring secret. Sauron is preparing to unleash his armies and Gollum is creeping around…
Amazing modern combat sequences with no happy ending! Two warring Private Military Companies are engaged on missions in Tarkov, a city overrun with Scavengers. Raid, miniseries combined into a feature film is based upon Escape from Tarkov game. It is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough….
The Death and Return of Superman (2011) – Great FIlm about DC Comics Insider’s Chronicle Literal, insider version what happened in 1992 when DC Comics decided to kill, then resurrect, Superman. Chronicle writer Max Landis made this monologue about “The Death and Return of Superman” storyline from DC Comics over parody-like sketches. Awesomely funny take…
Zero Dark Thirty meets The Conjuring! Hermetic and secretive non-governmental organization investigate the home of a mysterious cult. Eesoteric organisation seems much more dangerous than it seems ath the first glimpse… Well made visionary film that takes a lot of inspiration from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu. Directed by Stephen Hancock. Starring Jacob Boldry, Noah Bryan,…
Shadow Of Mordor (2014) – An Orc is about to have a bad day. A very bad day. Story is set in Middle Earth, between J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Krimp the Orc is about to have a very bad day. Like, Wraith bad. Middle Earth: The Shadow of Mordor…
Harlequin thriller by up and coming director Tara Alexis Harlequin thriller deals with Claudia Davis, a typical 20 something, an average girl working two menial jobs and has no social life to speak of. Feeling entitled to more than she truly deserves, she decides to take on a new persona and begin robbing convenience stores….