
Oktapodi (2007): A Delightful Sprint Through Love and Peril

“Oktapodi,” a 2007 animated short directed by Julien Bocabeille, François-Xavier Chanioux, Olivier Delabarre, Thierry Marchand, Quentin Marmier, and Emud Mokhberi, is a whirlwind of emotion and adventure. In just under three minutes, it delivers a heart-pounding chase and a touching love story. freemoviescinema The Story The film tells the story of two octopuses in love,…

Trashonauts (2016)

Trashonauts (2016)

Trashonauts – Animated Delight Trashonauts is made by a Filmmaker Jack Corpening. This fantastic short is dedicated to human space flight, animal rescue, and cleaning up pollution, with a nifty musical homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is the most adorably animated little magnet ever. About Project: Kickstarter funded 3D animated short film thesis…

Sintel (2010)

Sintel (2010)

Plot: Sintel follows a girl who is searching for a baby dragon she calls Scales. A flashback reveals that she found Scales with its wing injured and helped care for it, forming a close bond with it. By the time its wing recovered and it was able to fly, Scales was caught by an adult…

850 meters (2013)

850 meters (2013)

Plot: 850 meters tells a stroy of a not-so-brave knight who is on a quest for Fame and Fortune – legend says rescuing a princess is the way to go. And in those same fairy tales, there’s only one way to slay the dragon that hold the fair lady captive : find the invincible sword….

Brain Divided (2013)

Brain Divided (2013)

Plot: Brain Divided follows a guy meets a blind date in a restaurant and his brain goes into overdrive, with an epic struggle between the logical and inhibited left side and the emotional, impulsive right side. The place is great and the girl is beautiful. If only the two sides of his brain (seen here…

Slimtime (2010)

Slimtime (2010)

While his wife is undergoing slimming treatment, Andre goes on a discovery tour of this very unusual center. Weight loss resort implements a large scale and complex treatment process on weightwatchers, comprising disinfestation bath, twisting and pumping, all these process are shown in-depth however the transformation from fat to fit occur all of a sudden; so…

First Fall (2013)

First Fall (2013)

Plot: First Fall follows Abel who lives in the winter and Apolline who lives in the summer. Isolated in their “natures”, they never met each other. They are not even supposed to meet. So when Abel crosses the border and discovers Apolline, curiosity is overwhelming. Their encounter soon becomes more complicated than they could imagine….