Big Buck Bunny (2008)
Plot: Short film Big Buck Bunny begins with Buck Bunny awakening in his rabbit hole. Inexplicably, there are three adorable little critters that begin annoying [Read More…]
Plot: Short film Big Buck Bunny begins with Buck Bunny awakening in his rabbit hole. Inexplicably, there are three adorable little critters that begin annoying [Read More…]
Plot: Short film Codehunters tells the story set in the port city of Lhek that is on the brink of collapse. A Pacific Rim state [Read More…]
Plot: When you find yourself running scared and running out of energy, there’s only a few options left to outrun your opponent through the southern [Read More…]
Short Film The Butterfly Effect (2012) – When Going For A bottle of Milk Turns into Mayhem An ordinary looking guy wakes up one morning [Read More…]
Stream Film One Rat Short (2006) – Masterpiece of style, narrative and direction. Academy Award Nominated Short Film by Alex Weil
Azureus Rising (2010) – Computer That Controlles Drones Gets Virtual Insanity Azureus Rising (2010) – A freedom fighter known as Azureus breaks into a interstellar [Read More…]
Gulliver’s Travels (1939) – Sailor washes ashore on Lilliput and attempts to prevent war! Gulliver’s Travels (1939) – Gulliver washes ashore on Lilliput and attempts [Read More…]
Lone Post-Apocalyptic Explorer Race A Robotic Drone Ruin (2011) – In a future where cities have crumbled and been reclaimed by nature we join a [Read More…]