Cybill Shepherd

Telling Secrets (1993)

Really good movie, suspenseful with a lot of plot twists and turns. Through a series of elaborate schemes, a wealthy woman arranges for the murder of her husband’s mistress and then takes steps so that the crime won’t be traced back to her. The detective investigating the murder soon realizes her role in it, and…

After Her (2018)

After Her (2018)

One night, a teenager girl, trapped in the low expectations of a small town, disappears without a trace. Years later, her friend returns to their childhood home and finds himself being beckoned back into those woods -the last place Hailey was seen alive. I was interested in making a short that confronts the perversion of…

Pigskin (2015)

Pigskin (2015)

Disturbing but stylish award-winning horror film! A girl. Front to her body transformation. The insecurity, the need to save appearences, the love story becoming impossible, the public image. And the demon. Result – a good horror for atmosphere, cliches and memories of viewer about other teenagers films about the same theme. A high school cheerleader…

dont look away

Don’t Look Away (2017)

A girl waiting for her parents in her room discovers a strange man in the garden. A true horror classic that deserves a shot at redemption for the acting that just wasn’t selling the true fear of the unknown. The monster does not rely on a surprising or fantastic appearance, and the setting is simple….

The Army Within (2014)

The Army Within (2014)

The whole world will come to know their true fate. Plot: On the brink of an alien invasion childhood sweet hearts Traye and Sally are thrust into an inescapable turn of events. Now Traye has to face his biggest fears while protecting the girl he loves as she fights for her life. The entire human…