The Day After (1983)
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The Day After (1983)

The effects of a devastating nuclear holocaust on small-town residents of eastern Kansas! No matter how poorly the effects or the acting, or how graphic and extravagant the visuals were all these films serve one purpose. To educate us on the value we have as creatures that not only have control over our individual destinies…

the age of ai

In the Age of AI (2019)

FRONTLINE investigates the promise and perils of AI; from fears about work and privacy to rivalry between the U.S. and China. This film looks at a new industrial revolution that will reshape and disrupt our lives, our jobs and our world, and allow the emergence of the surveillance society. A documentary exploring how artificial intelligence…

Healed through A.I. – The Age of A.I. S1E2 (2019)

Healed through A.I. – The Age of A.I. S1E2 (2019)

The human body is not infallible, but through the wonders of A.I. research scientists are finding ways to address those imperfections. A.I. has the potential to heal, enhance and make up for the things our bodies lack. The Age of A.I. is a 8 part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. covering the ways…

dangers AI

How Far is Too Far? | The Age of A.I. S01E01 (2019)

The Age of A.I. is a 8 part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. covering the ways Artifial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world. Can A.I. make music? Can it feel excitement and fear? Is it alive? and Mark Sagar push the limits of what a machine can do….

AI improving human

Using A.I. to build a better human | The Age of A.I. S01E03 (2019)

The Age of A.I. is a 8 part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. covering the ways Artifial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world. Through life changing accidents, and data minded through NASCAR, human beings are finding ways to rebuild one another so that we are better, faster, and stronger…