Connected (2015)

Connected (2015)


Short film Connected with Pamela Anderson and Jane Fonda tells a story of a spin instructor who is obsessed with self-improvement and drawn to an experimental treatment center.

Short film Connected with Pamela Anderson and Jane Fonda

“Connected” is a 10-minute live action short film from last year (2015). Connected is a portrait of a woman grappling with aging, self-perception, and transformation in a technologically optimized world. Jackie (Pamela Anderson) is a burnt-out AuraCycle instructor in the midst of a midlife crisis. She’s obsessed with self-improvement podcasts (voiced by Jane Fonda), and she is soon drawn to an advanced yet enigmatic wellness spa that promises to enhance her mind, body and soul. Guided by her effortless and nubile mentor, Luna (Dree Hemingway), Jackie will give up anything to feel “connected” — to herself, to the future, and to a precarious sense of perfection. This short film received hype over blogosphere not due to director Luke Gilford or his co-writer David Largman Murray or actress Dree Hemingway. It is because of Pamela Anderson from “Baywatch” playing the main character and because of Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda voice acting.

Connected (2015) Cast and Crew:

Director: Luke Gilford
Writers: Luke Gilford (story), David Largman Murray
Stars: Pamela Anderson, Dree Hemingway, Jane Fonda

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