Trappers Delight! Indie Western Par-Excellance!

Texan fur trapper journeys into the mysterious Buckskin woods. The cinematography and sound is first rate. I especially enjoyed the non-sentimental, plain talk, and straightforward acting style. If you liked the “revenant” this film is for you. The ending is a bit of a surprise, and the movie did not need the dream/ vision sequences. This is supposed to be a realistic /action adventure film.

Buckskin is an intense, violent, and emotional Journey. It grabs hold of you and draws you in as if the woods themselves were calling out to you. I didn’t really know what to expect when I first started watching this, but I know what I didn’t expect, and that was the M. Night Shyamalan type surprise ending. I mean that in a good way. I love it when I think I know where are movie is going and then I am pleasantly surprised by that, holy crap, I can’t believe they did that moment that just takes the movie into a whole different entertaining direction. The lead actors are top-notch with intensity and emotion. Young actor Blaze Freeman plays the wide -eyed lost boy numbed by the horrific trauma he has suffered and the dark power the Buckskin Woods seems to possess. I thoroughly enjoyed taking this Cinematic Journey and I think you will too. Highly recommended.

Written and Directed by: Brett Bentman
Starring: Tom Zembrod, Robert Keith, Blaze Freeman

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