The Narrow World (2017)

The Narrow World (2017)

Visually beautiful, well directed simple allegory of meaning. Plot: THE NARROW WORLD is the story of a gigantic alien that crashes to Earth and takes up residence in Los Angeles. Contrary to expectations, when the alien is neither hostile towards the tiny humans around it, nor communicative in any way, it falls on the populace…

A Date in 2025 (2017)

A Date in 2025 (2017)

Realistic portrait of contemporary social connection Plot: In the year 2025, a young man’s superintelligent AI system tells him that he must go on a date or face certain suicide from loneliness. Fun and cute, like a mini version of HER by Spike Jonze. Written and directed by Ryan Turner Starring Corrin Evans, Sasha Feldman,…

The Army Within (2014)

The Army Within (2014)

The whole world will come to know their true fate. Plot: On the brink of an alien invasion childhood sweet hearts Traye and Sally are thrust into an inescapable turn of events. Now Traye has to face his biggest fears while protecting the girl he loves as she fights for her life. The entire human…

Teleios (2017)

Beyond the Trek (2017)

Fantastic Indie Sci-Fi Film A deep space mining vessel has been adrift for two years. It is suspected the crew brutally killed each other, but the reason for the bloodbath is unknown. A rescue crew is sent to find if there are any survivors, what happened and why. Given its low budget don’t expect a…

Resignation (2016)

Resignation (2016)

Beautiful story, great cinematography, good performances. and a film who continuous in your mind after its end. Any single night, Gene looks the stars from the porches of his house. At the next morning, Gene takes his car and drives long away to arrive a determined place in the middle of the Texas’ desert, meanwhile…

White Lily (2018)

White Lily (2016)

A tense spaceship captain and co-pilot set out to investigate a comet, when a technical fault cuts to the core of their relationship problem… Leon and Isobel are nearing the critical point of a long space journey. Leon relaxes, watching a hologram of blue skies and recalling a holiday he and Isobel had – but…