Keep Your Mouth Shut (2018)

Keep Your Mouth Shut (2018)

Why can’t people keep a damn secret? A witness takes a vow of silence to ensure his survival, but can he keep it? Keep Your Mouth Shut is well crafted short comedy thriller about consequences of talking too much. Writer/Director: Dan Roe Producer: Adam Carl Starring Brett Davern, Sophie Kargman, Thomas Wilson Brown, Megan Rosati,…

Firebase (2017)

Firebase (2017)

American soldiers versus Invisible warrior in deep forest of Vietnam While the senseless war rages on in the lush and pathless rainforests of Vietnam, the frail bounds between reality and pure fiction warp, as a battle-scarred platoon of American G.I.s find themselves up against an invisible and well-prepared adversary. Witnesses claim that the lethal foe…

Transmission (2017)

Transmission (2017)

Welcome To Britannia. Together We Stand Alone. Leonard is being held in a bunker and Dr. Sam visits him, spewing largess like breathing. James Hyland as Dr. Sam is the key to this short film’s success. With only three players in the short Hyland does the bulk of the talking and as the auditor to…

Perfectly Natural (2018) – Sci-Fi film with true emotion

Perfectly Natural (2018) – Sci-Fi film with true emotion

For first-time parents Wanda and Zach, Future Families is a lifetime opportunity: a virtual childcare system that gives their baby access to a better life. Sponsored by the company where Wanda works, this technology allows her to leave her son connected to a virtual version of herself while she works additional hours. “Perfectly Natural” by…

Doodlebug (1997) – Christopher Nolan’s First Film

Doodlebug (1997) – Christopher Nolan’s First Film

This psychological short-film has gained cult following, especially given the heights which Nolan’s now climbed since making it. The film concerns a grungy man, in a filthy apartment. He is anxious and paranoid, trying to kill a small bug-like creature that is scurrying on the floor. It is revealed that the bug resembles a miniature…

Magic Bullet (2018)

Magic Bullet (2018)

Parallel losses push strangers Rachel (MOLLY PARKER) and Lia (ROSEMARIE DEWITT) into self-soothing rituals and self-destructive hazes, only to collide unwittingly on a regional Florida shopping network. BEST NARRATIVE SHORT — INDIE MEMPHIS 2018 NSFW Written / Directed by AMANDA LOVEJOY STREET Cinematography by MARTIM VIAN Edited by KATE ABERNATHY Music by NIC…