Alternative Math (2017)

Alternative Math (2017)

Living in a post-fact United states of America A well meaning math teacher finds herself trumped by a post-fact America. Alternative Math (2017) is a deeply layered and remarkably sophisticated intelligent comedy. What makes this film so special is that it functions on so many layers. It works comically due to it’s wonderfully executed reducto-absurdum,…

Piper (2016)

Piper (2016)

Oscar for Best Animated Short Film Winner! A young and bright-eyed Sandpiper is motivated by her mother to start hunting for food along with the rest of the flock in the sandy seashore. However, the tiny bird is still terrorised by the surfs that break on the ocean’s shoreline, unable to take care of herself….

Caronte (2017)

Caronte (2017)

Award Winning Sci-Fi film by ONIRIKAL STUDIO Caronte tells the story of a teenager whose only concern is herself, social media, cellphone and friends. She is rude with her own family, specially with her little brother. But after a dramatic car accident, she starts to regret about the way she behaved with them. Unexpectedly, Debbie’s…

Alone (2017)

Alone (2017)

Shortlisted by the Academy for Oscar consideration in the best documentary short category Alone tells the story of a 20-something black girl in Louisiana, who is in love with a prisoner apparently serving a ten year sentence and intends to marry him. I say apparently, because this black and white short is frustratingly vague about…