I Ship It (2014)

I Ship It (2014)

I Ship It (2014) – Life After A Bad Breakup I Ship It (2014) manages to avoid most rom-con cliches. After a bad breakup, Zoe Smallman decides to take down her ex-boyfriend in a wizard rock battle of the bands The possibility that Zoe is attracted to Charlie is brought up very early in the…

Grape Soda (2014)

Grape Soda (2014)

Grape Soda (2014) – Honest Drama of a man who drifts into a deep depression! Grape Soda (2014) – His daughter passed away from cancer and he wasn’t there thats why his wife slept with another man because the death of their daughter made them become distant from one another. Instead of him and her…

Bad to the Jones (2011)

Bad to the Jones (2011)

During a zombie outbreak in the MidWest, zombie slayers Craig and Tyrone Jones desperately search for their missing sister only to be harassed by the thousands of blood hungry zombies. Their mission slowly turns comedic when the 2 brothers argue about who is the better slayer of the 2. The journey lands them 4 outsiders…