Unleash the Shadow Warrior!
By day, Tiger is a Martial Arts expert…by night he is the bouncer of a brothel. Tiger is trained under the watchful eye of “Master” and in this process of training it occurs that the Grand Master and his merry men, AKA Ninjas, are trying to take over Tiger’s turf in Japan.
Watch Ninja Death 2 (1987) Movie Online – Free Martial Arts Kung-Fu Ninja Entertainment
The choreography and production values are decent for this type of movie, and it’s fast paced enough to have kept me entertained during the slower bits, the costuming and terrible special effects are highly entertaining (particularly the full body gold outfit with red cape) and there’s some very very low brow jokes in here, particularly dealing with sex. (the main character starts out as a bouncer in a whorehouse). The dubbing is amusingly bad, and as mentioned does switch accents halfway through the movie.
Cast and Crew:
Director: Joseph Kuo
Starring: Alexander Rei Lo, Fei Meng