Martial Arts

Rage of a Ninja (1988)


There’s plethora of reasons why to watch Rage of a Ninja, but you only need one – it was directed by Godfrey Ho! 😉 The bizarre story centres around an evil ninja trying to get his hands on a manual that will somehow make him ‘The Ultimate Ninja’. Steve, who comes home one night to find his wife having intimate relations with a young stud. Understandably none too impressed with this, Steve proceeds to give the young whippersnapper a jolly good beating. In fact such a beating that Steve, believing himself to have killed the man, is compelled to do a bunk and go on the run. He eventually ends up holed up in a house and holding the lone female occupant hostage. However, in a somewhat unlikely plot development, the woman ends up falling in love with him!

Watch Rage of Ninja and get the knowledge of the Ultimate Ninja Power!

I recommend this movie for anyone who wants a movie they can laugh at with their friends; it’s much more hilarious that way.

Directed by Godfrey Ho
Starring: Marko Ritchie, Mike Abbott, Morna Lee, Peter Cressall.

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