Selfie from Hell (2015)

Selfie from Hell (2015)

Plot: Selfie from Hell tells a story of a woman (Meelah Adams) who takes a selfie of herself and notices a man standing in the background. When she turns no one is there but with the next selfie he appears to be even closer. Selfie from Hell Review: Selfie from Hell is possibly the best…

The Last Man (2014)

The Last Man (2014)

Last Man (2014) story Last Man (2014) follows a deep reserve soldier who is awoken from stasis and finds the world ruined by war. Review: The film is a haunting, post-apocalyptic look at what will drive a man forward. Fans of Duncan Jones’ movie Moon, will recognize some of the set design: Rothery was on…

Points of Origin (2016)

Points of Origin (2016)

Free Short Movie that makes a difference! Free short movie with Ankur Vikal (Slumdog Millionaire) and Tessa Thompson (Creed). Young couple tackle the moral complications of international surrogacy. The story follows New Yorkers RJ and Rosemary, who have been trying to have a baby for the past eight years. Surrogacy is their last chance to…

Trial (2016)

Trial (2016)

Plot: Trial is a science fiction short film that deals with the mind swap that has terrifying consequences. It is told through a perspective of a quadriplegic soldier who gets a nifty new mind transfer procedure that helps him rehabilitate. Trial (2016) Review: “Our biologically engineered hosts are created from the ground up…” If you’re…

Code 8 (2016)

Code 8 (2016)

Plot: In an alternate reality, 4% of the world’s population is born with special abilities. Most of these “specials” live under poverty line. Taylor, a “special” living way under the poverty line takes different construction jobs in order to support his family. One day after work, over payment issues, Taylor intentionally damages his employer’s property….

Marry Me (2008)

Marry Me (2008)

Plot: Marry Me is the story of a little girl who likes a little boy, and a little boy who likes his bike. “Marry Me” is a short film based on the experiences of the filmaker, Michelle Lehman, while growing up, a very sweet film about childhood. The teaser caption for the film describes it…