Martial Arts

The Kung Fu Warrior (1980)


Kung Fu Warrior follows a Buddhist monk portrays a Buddhist monk who abandons his post at a Buddhist temple when the temple is attacked by Japanese troops during World War II. After he leaves the temple, he takes on two misfit apprentices portrayed by Eric Tsang and Liu Chia-yung. Together, they battle the villains.

Kung Fu Warrior review:

This is an independently-produced kung fu film made in 1984 by the Lau Brothers: Liu Chia-liang, Liu Chia-hui, and Liu Chia-yung. Liu Chia-hui(a.k.a. Gordon Liu) portrays a Buddhist monk who abandons his post at a Buddhist temple when the temple is attacked by Japanese troops during World War II. After he leaves the temple, he takes on two misfit apprentices portrayed by Eric Tsang and Liu Chia-yung. Together, they battle two villians, one portrayed by the talented, but underappreciated Li Li-li. Some scenes are incoherent such as the scene with the hopping Chinese vampires who have nothing to with the film and do not reappear later on. Most of the violence is bloody and the mood of the film changes from Cantonese comedy to gritty bloodshed. Still, the excellent fight choreography is very much in the Lau brothers fashion. It’s enjoyable, but not really memorable.

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